Tough Applications in Mexico
This story has been provided to us by Ralston Darlington of Muscle Soluciones Avanzadas De, Mexico.
Caracol Dam, State of Guerreo
Summary of Moist-Out MO-10™ applications and benefits:
Protects electrical systems against corrosion
Removes sulfate deposits
Cleans Metal Surfaces
Good Flammability Characteristics
Solvent-based dielectrics are very flammable
Moist-Out burns slowly
Moist-Out does not give off noxious fumes
Products: Moist-Out MO-10™ and Penetrating Oil SL-10™
Penetrating Oil SL-10™ is used for slice gate chain and sprocket lubrication sprayed on the chain and links every six (6) months.
2. Moist-Out MO-10™ is wiped over the chains to clean the metal:
While the external surfaces of the chains in direct sunlight appear to have dried after five (5) months, the lubricant remains visible on those in the shade. In sun or shade, the Penetrating Oil SL-10™ will continue to provide effective lubrication inside the links. Lubrication is repeated every six (6) months.
Tula Thermoelectric Plant, Hidalgo
Products: Moist-Out MO-10™, Power-Lift Grease PL-10™ and Metal Treatment MT-10®
Moist-Out MO-10™ is applied to electrical systems - as a dielectric and light lubricant on the moving metal parts:
Circuit breakers: 600v, 4000v, and 13800 v | Motors: 600v, 4000v | Generators: 13800v | Control boards: 120v
Tula has been applying Moist-Out MO-10™ and their units have been rust free for two (2) years. Rust spots formed after only one week with the previous dielectric they used.
2. Power-Lift Grease PL-10™ is used in the electric motor bearings in the cooling towers.
3. Metal Treatment MT-10® is added to the speed reduction boxes in the cooling towers.
Cooling Towers, Tula Thermoelectric Plant